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The Orlandi Memorial Page
The information of our ancestors which appear in these pages was extracted from "Raices de la familia Orlandi" by Genarin Vazquez and Henrieta Orlandi. Also, information which came to light from Kelvin Morales' genealogical reasearch which he was able to do because of the advancement of technology in the area of genealogical research. Pictures of ancestors are posted if available.

I'm Francisco María Orlandi-Orlandi
Father of Leocadio
The parents of Francisco Maria Orlandi are Domingo Orlandi y Anunciacion Orlandi de Orlandi. They are from the island of Corsega, France. Francisco and his brother Nicolas appear in the book "Catálogo de extranjeros residentes en Puerto Rico en el Siglo xix" written by Dra. Estela Cifre de Louriel.
In the year 1874 Francisco appears residing in Salinas, Puerto Rico. Nicolas appears as living in Guayama, Puerto Rico.
Francisco Maria Orlandi Orlandi 1860 Corsega, France - 1910-1920 San Juan, Puerto Rico.

I'm Pilar Lebron de Orlandi
Mother of Leocadio
Very little is known of Pilar Lebron de Orlandi. Based on the US census of 1920 we know that Pilar also gave birth to Juan and Florentino.
Pilar Lebron, Salinas, Puerto Rico. I have not found any document stating her birth or death.

I'm Leocadio Orlandi Lebron
Father of Josefina (Filin/Mamilla)
Leocadio Orlandi Lebron born to Francisco Maria Orlandi and Pilar Lebron de Orlandi. Leocadio married Baldomera Questell (Kestel prounced in French ) and together had 8 children 7 girls 1 boy: Carmen, Pilar, Josefina, Anunciacion, Maria, Luisa, Francisco. The eighth child I discovered while searching for other Orlandi in the vital records of the county of Arroyo and came across with a death inscription of one Antonia Orlandi the inscription declared that Leocadio and Baldomera as parents of Antonia. She had a short existence 1884-1885. She was their first born.

I'm Baldomera Questell-Fonseca
Mother of Josefina (Filin/Mamilla)
Baldomera Questell Fonseca. She is the child of Juan (Jean/French) Questell from French island of Saint-Barts and Feliciana Fonseca of Patillas, Puerto Rico..
A relative of ours Eduardo Questell Rodriguez has done extensive research of the family of the Questell's. He and I met and he shared the information of the Questell's. The oringins go as far back as 1630's in France proper. The first Questell to arrive to the new world was Robert Questell . He came as an endentured servant to the island of San Cristobal known today as the country of St. Kitts and Nevis. His descendants later moved to St. Barts. In the 1820's Juan/Jean Questell migrated to Patillas, Puerto Rico. I have copies of the paper work that one Juan Questell presented to the Governer of Puerto Rico requesting permision to settle in Patillas, Puerto Rico.